Cstv. Payment of the liquidator's flat-rate costs prescribed in accordance with § 46, paragraph (7a).
We would like to draw the attention of the Dear Creditors that, according to Section 46 (7a) of the Bankruptcy Act, the claims specified in Section 46 (5) of the Bankruptcy Act - except for the claims contained in Section 57 (1) points a) and c) - are a condition for registration , that within the 40-day deadline specified in Section 28, Paragraph (2) point f), the creditor has deposited 0.5% of the capital amount of his claim, but at least HUF 5,000 and a maximum of HUF 40,000, with CERES Kft. Raiffeisen Bank 12072514-00103887- 00200007 - by referring to the court case number and the name of the debtor company - and certify this to the liquidator. The amount paid by the creditors must be classified as a creditor's claim in accordance with § 57, paragraph (1), point f). The liquidator can use the amount of the flat rate to offset the costs related to his asset search and asset recovery activities.